It’s Not About Looking Good, It’s About Feeling Good

4 min readOct 15, 2020


How retail brands promote positivity through their products and services

The standard to which we hold brands socially responsible is constantly evolving. It has always been important for companies to be good to their employees and customers. However, is being good really enough? With companies and brands actively becoming immersed in our everyday lives through social media and advertisements, shouldn’t we be holding them to higher standards?

In these unparalleled times, it is now more important than ever to do good in society and look out for one another. With COVID-19 taking a toll on everyones’ routines, it is crucial to make sure that there is enough positivity in our everyday lives. Since we should be promoting positivity to those around us, shouldn’t our brands be doing the same?

Brands that already promote positivity situate themselves on platforms that advocate for mental health awareness, suicide prevention, and the general idea of feeling good. It is essential to acknowledge these brands and use them as a model for developing future brands because they are doing their part to spread optimism to those who need it.

Interestingly enough, many of these brands are considered streetwear brands. They sell items of clothing designed to be both comfortable and fashionable such as sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, and t-shirts. So, what does this mean? Streetwear fashion can be worn anywhere: from running errands to attending a group gathering (socially distant, of course). This means that this idea of feeling good can be worn on your sleeve at all times: quite literally. With so many streetwear brands focusing on promoting positivity, they are trying to open conversation around mental health. This optimism needs to be promoted every day, which can be done through streetwear clothing.

Change Through Colors

One way for clothing to generate optimism is through vibrant colors as there is a strong correlation between bright colors and positive emotions. If brands want their customers to both feel positive and radiate positivity, adding this unique array of colors will allow customers to do so from the outside-in. For example, the brand Petals and Peacocks exudes optimism through their bright-colored apparel. Their selection of tie dyes and lively color palettes allow the customer to manifest the positivity they wish to embody.

(Petals and Peacocks)

Meaning through Messaging

Brands can also promote positivity through their messages. These messages, whether directly on the apparel or through the meaning behind the apparel, can impart a feeling of hope and optimism onto those that wear it. Happy Jack is an apparel company that specifically brands their name, Happy Jack, on all their pieces of clothing. Although this may seem unfamiliar to those who have never heard of the brand, Happy Jack has a direct meaning and provides a unique story to all of their customers. Their website explains what this brand is, and how it came to life:

(Happy Jack)

With this meaning behind every piece of Happy Jack apparel, the customer knows that they are not alone. Happy Jack’s customers understand and value the meaning behind every article of clothing and have thus formed a community of individuals who connect to one another through Happy Jack’s messaging.

Execute through Experience

The most effective way for a brand to communicate positivity to their customers is by immersing them in a positive experience. Whether this is an event for a brand activation or a new showroom design for an apparel release, customers can become part of the brand through experience. Experiences give customers something to look forward to by creating excitement around the event and in turn positive brand association for the consumer. Additionally, customers feel like they are part of the community by getting to physically interact with the brand. Madhappy is a streetwear brand that promotes positive conversations around mental health awareness. They hosted a pop-up store in Soho, New York, with rooms that provided self-reflective experiences. One room was full of head-to-toe mirrors and phrases telling customers to reflect. This experience created optimism through a physical interaction between the brand and customers.

Madhappy pop-up store in Soho (Highsnobiety)

It is crucial to continue spreading optimism: you never know who around you needs it. The best way we can do this is by checking-in on one another. However, for brands, this is a larger task. Moving forward, we are holding brands to higher standards of making sure their customers feel good. All brands should be promoting positivity in a way that is personal to them. Being good is not enough anymore. Feeling good is what we need.

If you’re looking to generate this optimism through an experience, check out We have tons of spaces that will fit your needs to ultimately promote positivity to all of your customers.

How will you promote positivity today?

by Brielle Hoffman

Popshop is here to help you every step of the way. Popshop offers tons of spaces ready to be customized by your brand. Choose a space, join the community, and take your brand to the next level with a pop-up store.




popshop is an online platform for short term retail bookings as well as a global community for brands to interact, collaborate, and even share spaces.