Continuing the Support

4 min readJan 21, 2021


Retail stores will allow local businesses to continue to gain support through 2021

Now that we have finally begun 2021, it is necessary for us to reflect on this previous year in order to move forward. The year 2020 taught us many things: it showed that we are capable of spending extended periods of time at home, away (or at least socially distanced) from people, and transforming to a virtual way of life. However, the year 2020 also taught us that we don’t want to be spending extended periods of time at home, away from people, and living virtually. Our time apart from friends, family, and even strangers has proven that we crave socialization and community in many different forms. From the gyms we use, to educational classes we participate in, to the stores we shop at, we have missed this sense of community.

These feelings of community extend far beyond the actions we take and actually have affected the brands we support. Although 31% of small businesses are currently non-operational due to COVID-19, the local businesses that were able to survive the economic effects have had extreme support from local consumers. These local businesses used social media, word of mouth, and government funding to stay alive during this time of hardship. Although many businesses had to pivot their strategies in order to align with the new safety regulations, the retail world is relentless, and many brands took this challenge head-on. With all of the support we have seen local businesses receive, 2021 is the year for businesses to capitalize on this momentum.

If you’re a small brand or local business that has survived the economic hardships of the pandemic, we commend you. This means that you have products or services that customers truly believe in and we are so excited to watch you thrive into 2021. As we dive into the new year, now is the time to consider opening a retail store. Pop-up stores are a perfect opportunity to test out your market for a reasonable price, without long-term commitment. It is evident that brands that survived the pandemic have a huge community supporting them. Pop-up stores allow this community to connect a face to the business. When consumers know who they are buying from, and that their purchases directly support local businesses, they are more likely to continue shopping there and give their support. If we’re talking numbers, 65% of Americans’ shopping budgets are still spent in-store. Therefore, these pop-up stores can help increase sales, as consumers still seek an in-store shopping experience. Popshop has tons of retail spaces of all sizes to help local businesses open their first retail stores. These retail stores represent low-risk to businesses because they can choose how long their lease is with minimal commitment.

Our community of brands has hundreds of companies of all different sizes. We have plenty of smaller, locally-owned businesses that require support from their local communities. One of these wonderful brands, Winona Street Designs, hosted a pop-up at our 1424 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago space to sell candles during the holiday season. This allowed the brand owners to interact with their customers, deepening this brand loyalty and support. To provide an enjoyable experience for their customers, they also hosted public and private candle making events. Winona Street Designs was able to connect with their local customers through the use of a pop-up store that was both meaningful and successful. These customers will continue to support Winona Street Designs even though their pop-up event is over because of the strong brand loyalty that developed through the pop-up event.

As we move forward in 2021, it is crucial for customers to continue to support the businesses in their local community. Not only do they tend to provide specialties in their products, but local businesses also help to create jobs, source from local suppliers or creators, and keep cash flow within the community. By supporting local businesses, customers are ultimately supporting their communities as a whole. Local businesses and consumers can co-create social media content to help spread brand awareness, create partnerships with local community initiatives, and provide deals to local residents. This will not only continue, but strengthen the connection between consumers and their local businesses.

Will you be shopping locally today?

by Brielle Hoffman

Popshop is here to help you every step of the way. Popshop offers tons of spaces ready to be customized by your brand. Choose a space, join the community, and take your brand to the next level with a pop-up store.




popshop is an online platform for short term retail bookings as well as a global community for brands to interact, collaborate, and even share spaces.